All abstracts by Annie B. Kersting in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Plutonium Coprecipitation with CalciteBalboni E, Smith KF, Booth C, Zavarin M & Kersting AB
(2021) Plans to Dilute and Dispose 48.2 MT of U.S. Surplus Plutonium at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: Changing the Nature of WIPP
Kersting AB & Orrell A
(2015) Plutonium Desorption from Montmorillonite: The Role of Redox Transformations
Zavarin M, Begg J & Kersting A
(2014) Plutonium Desorption from Mineral Surfaces Caused by Environmental Concentrations of Hydrogen Peroxide
Begg J, Zavarin M & Kersting A
(2011) Ab Initio Electronic Structure of Pu(OH)4: Comparison between Density Functional and Multi-Reference Theories
Huang P, Zavarin M & Kersting A
(2011) Plutonium Transport: Identifying the Biogeochemical Mechanisms Controlling its Behavior
Kersting A
(2010) Modeling Actinide Interactions with Minerals and Microbes
Powell BA, Bagwell C, Kaplan DI, Kersting AB, Zavarin M & Zimmerman TN
(2010) Subsurface Transport of Pu on Nanominerals: Teasing out Biogeochemical Controls in Field Environments
Kersting A, Zavarin M, Dai Z, Felmy A, Kips R, Moser D, Powell B, Tinnacher R & Zaho P
(2009) Groundwater Nanoparticles in the Far-Field at the Nevada Test Site
Ustunomiya S, Kersting AB & Ewing RC