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All abstracts by Simon P. Kelley in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2017) Experimental Constraints on Noble Gas Recycling into the Mantle
Parman S, Krantz J, Kelley S, Jackson C, Smye A & Cooper R

(2017) A Comparative Study of Blended and Online Learning Using the Virtual Microscope for Earth Sciences
Herodotou C, Muirhead D, Aristeidou M, Hole M, Kelley S, Scanlon E & Duffy M

(2017) Potential of the Earth’s Core as a Reservoir for Noble Gases?
Bouhifd MA, Jephcoat A, Kelley S, Porcelli D & Marty B

(2015) Implications of Quantified Noble Gas Partition Coefficients for Ar-Ar Dating
Kelley S

(2015) Assessing Ar Solubility in Metamorphic Muscovite
Warren C, Kelley S & Dobson D

(2014) Transport Modeling of Noble Gases during Subduction
Smye A, Hesse M, Jackson C, Kelley S & Parman S

(2014) Recycling Ar Through Metamorphic Reactions: The Record in Symplectites
McDonald C, Warren C, Sherlock S & Kelley S

(2013) Noble Gas Recycling and He-Ne-Ar Solubility in Ring Structure-Bearing Minerals
Jackson C, Parman S, Kelley S & Cooper R

(2013) Which Age is the True Age? Unravelling within-Flow Ar/Ar Age Variations in Faroe Islands Basalt Lavas
Cramer E, Sherlock S, Halton A, Blake S, Barry T, Kelley S & Jolley D

(2012) Helium Solubility in Ring Site Bearing Minerals and Implications for Noble Gas Recycling
Jackson C, Kelley S, Parman S & Cooper R

(2012) Metamorphic Rocks Seek Meaningful Cooling Rates: New Views from Muscovite 40Ar/39Ar Dating
Warren CJ, Kelley SP & Sherlock SC

(2012) Degassing a Rhyolite: Are the Old Ar-Ar Ages Real, Inherited or Excess?
Wilkinson C, Kelley S, Sherlock S, Wilson C & Charlier B

(2011) Beyond the Closure Temperature Concept: When Does 40Ar/39Ar Dating Constrain Exhumation?
Kelley S, Warren C & Hanke F

(2009) Noble Gas Partitioning at Magma Ocean Conditions in the LHDAC and the Earth’s He/Ne Budget
Bouhifd MA, Jephcoat A, Kelley S & Porcelli D

(2009) Partitioning and Diffusion of Noble Gases in Olivine at Mantle Pressures
Parman S, Kelley S, Ballentine C & van Orman J

(2009) Organic Geochemistry of the Crater-Fill Sediments from Boltysh Impact Crater, Ukraine
Watson J, Gilmour I, Kelley S, Jolley D & Gurov E

(2009) Testing the Limits to High Spatial Resolution Laser Analysis of Noble Gases in Natural and Experimental Samples
Kelley S, Cherniak D, Farley K & Schwanethal J

(2008) Two Diffusion Mechanisms for Argon in K-Feldspar?
Kelley SP, Baxter E, Cherniak D, Clay P, Thomas J & Watson B

(2008) The 40Ar/39Ar System in Young Glass (Arico Formation, Tenerife): Implications for Partitioning of Excess Ar between Glass and Sanidine
Clay P, Sherlock S & Kelley SP

(2004) Noble Gas Diffusion in Mantle Minerals: High Resolution UV Laser Depth Profiling
Heber V, Brooker R, Kelley S & Wood B

(2002) The Evolution of the Youngest Toba Tuff: A Crystal Disequilibrium Study
Thomas L, Blake S, Kelley S & Morgan D

(2002) Assessing the Role of Incongruent Weathering
Sherlock S, Burton K, Kelley S & Reynolds B

(2002) Ar-Ar Ages in Xenolith Phlogopites – Information on the Earth's Lithospheric Mantle and Kimberlites
Wartho J-A & Kelley S

(2002) Experimental Determinations of Ar Diffusion and Solubility in Plagioclase and Leucite
Kelley S, Wartho J-A & Steven E

(2002) The 'Zero Charge' Partitioning Behaviour of Noble Gases during Mantle Melting
Brooker R, Wood B, Kelley S, Chamorro E & Blundy J

(2000) Low-Degree Mantle Melting beneath Tibet: Signals of Heterogeneous Lithosphere Erosion
Williams HM, Turner SP, Kelley SP & Harris NBW

(2000) An Experimental View of the Behaviour of Noble Gases during Mantle Melting
Kelley SP, Brooker RA, Chamorro-Perez E, Wartho J & Wood B

(2000) Determinations for the Duration and Timing of the Deccan CFB
Widdowson M, Kelley S & Spicer R

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