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All abstracts by Young Ji Joo in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Climate, Erosion, and Silicate Weathering: Comparing Reactive Surface Area and Chemical Weathering Indices Across Endmember Climates
Elwood Madden M, Demirel-Floyd C, Joo YJ & Soreghan G(S

(2023) Tracing Sulfate Sources in an Antarctic Ross Sea Coastal Glacier Using Sulfur Isotope Signatures
Lee S, Kim S, Moon J, Jeong H, Sim MS, Joo YJ, Chang C, Hong S-B, Hur SD & Han Y

(2014) Assessing Reactive Surface Areas in Glacial Sediments
Elwood Madden M, Funderburg R, Joo Y-J, Miller J, Elwood Madden A, Hall B, Marra K & Soreghan G

(2011) Stable Carbon Isotope Chemostratigraphy and Implications for Global Carbon Cycling, Cretaceous Western Interior Basin
Joo YJ, Hurtgen M & Sageman B

(2009) OAE’s and the Interdependence of P, N and Trace Metals
Sageman B, Hurtgen M, Adams D, Barclay R & Joo YJ

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