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All abstracts by Morgan Jones in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Evidence of Unusually Explosive Hydromagmatic Eruptions and their Role in the Emplacement of the North Atlantic Igneous Province
Stokke EW, Liu EJ, Longman J, Jerram DA, Millett JM & Jones M

(2021) Modeling the Effects of Carbon Release from the Karoo Large Igneous Province (LIP)
Hatlen Heimdal T, Goddéris Y, Svensen H & Jones M

(2020) Eruption Mechanism and Volatile Budget of the Early Eocene Danish Ash Series, and Implications for the Emplacement of the North Atlantic Igneous Province
Stokke EW, Liu EJ & Jones M

(2020) Constraining the Activity of the North Atlantic Igneous Province Across the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary
Jones M, Stokke E, Augland L, Svensen H, Pogge von Strandmann P & Rooney A

(2013) Daily Geochemical Monitoring of Volcanic Rivers: A Tool for Eruption Prediction?
Jones M, Gkritzalis-Papadopoulous A, Palmer M, Mowlem M & Gislason S

(2012) Field Evidence of Sr Exchange between Particulate Material and Seawater in Estuaries
Jones M, Gislason S, Burton K, Pearce C, Mavromatis V & Oelkers E

(2012) Reactivity of Detrital Silicates and Carbon Storage in the Ocean Margins
Gislason S, Oelkers E, Jones M, Wolff-Boenisch D, Alfredsson H & Mesfin K

(2011) The Effect of Time and Climate on Volcanic Soil Formation
Gislason S, Eiriksdottir E, Alfredsson H, Sigfússon B, Jones M & Oelkers E

(2011) Incongruent Dissolution of Volcanic Riverine Particulate Material in Seawater: Consequences for Global Element Cycling
Jones M, Pearce C, Jeandel C & Oelkers E

(2010) The Weathering of Basaltic Rocks and their Effect on Global Chemical Cycles
Oelkers E, Gislason S, Jones M, Pearce C, Eiriksdottir E & Gaillardet J

(2009) Ocean Acidification from Explosive Volcanism as a Cause for Mass Mortality of Pteropods
Jones M, Fisher J & Palmer M

(2009) Oxygen Uptake during Marine Diagenesis of Fresh Volcanic Material
Hembury D, Palmer M, Fones G & Jones M

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