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All abstracts by Michael Joachimski in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2014) Permian Ice Volume and Palaeoclimate History: Evidences from Oxygen Isotope of Conodont Apatite
Chen B, Joachimski M, Shen S-Z, Lambert L, Lai X-L, Wang X-D, Chen J & Yuan D-X

(2013) Clumped Isotopes, δ18O, δ13C, δ11B, 87Sr/86Sr: A Multiproxy Approach to Silurian Brachiopod Shells
Wacker U, Fiebig J, Gerdes A, Munnecke A, Joachimski MM & Schöne BR

(2012) Clumped Isotopes Applied to Silurian Brachiopod Shells, Gotland/Sweden
Wacker U, Fiebig J, Munnecke A, Joachimski MM & Schoene BR

(2011) δ18O and Cl/Nb Evidence for Fractional Crystallization Origin of Silicic Island Arc Magmas
Krumm S, Haase K, Regelous M & Joachimski M

(2009) Revised δ18O Phosphate-Water Fractionation Equation from Fish Raised in Controlled Environment
Pucéat E, Joachimski M, Bonin A, Motreuil S, Monna F, Bouilloux A, Quesne D, Morinière P & Mourin J

(2007) Surface Water Freshening and High-Latitude River Discharge in the Eocene North Sea
Voigt S, Zacke A, Joachimski M & Gale AS

(2007) Oxygen Isotope Record of Devonian and Carboniferous Biogenic Apatite
Joachimski M, Breisig S, Buggisch W & Alekseev A

(2002) Evolution of the Photosynthetic Carbon Isotope Fractionation (ep) during the Late Paleozoic
Kuhn T, Ostertag-Henning C, Joachimski M & Freeman KH

(2001) Perturbations in the Upper Devonian Carbon Cycle: I. The Stable Isotope Record
Joachimski MM

(2001) Perturbations in the Upper Devonian Carbon Cycle: II. Modeling
Goddéris Y & Joachimski MM

(2001) Secular Changes in the Stable Isotopic Composition of Devonian Brachiopods
van Geldern R, Joachimski MM, Day J, Álvarez F, Jansen U & Yolkin EA

(2001) Oxygen Isotopic Signatures of Pennsylvanian Conodonts
Horacek M, Joachimski MM & Buggisch W

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