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All abstracts by Qusheng Jin in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) A Simplified Nernst Equation for Predicting Redox Potentials in Groundwater
Jin Q, Bowman GH, Harris G, Kirk MF & Sanford R

(2021) Kinetics of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation: A Metabolism-Based Modeling Approach
Bowman GH & Jin Q

(2020) Fe Redox Cycling Revealed by Ligand-Promoted Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation in Clay Mineral
Zhao S, Jin Q, Agrawal A & Dong H

(2020) Modeling Assessment of Microbial Kinetics in Controlling Methane Production in Wetlands
Wu Q & Jin Q

(2019) Thermodynamic Efficiency of Microbial Energy Transformation – A Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling Perspective
Jin Q & Wu Q

(2019) Is Q10 an Intrinsic Parameter of Biogeochemical Processes?
Wu Q & Jin Q

(2019) Modeling Stable Isotope Fractionation in Microbial Methane Production
Gropp J, Jin Q, Iron MA & Halevy I

(2018) Study on Resource Allocation of Methanogenesis Using a Metabolic Simulation Model
Wu Q & Jin Q

(2017) Understanding Isotope Fractionation in Microbial Methanogenesis
Gropp J, Jin Q, Iron MA & Halevy I

(2017) PH as a Control on Interactions of Methanogens and Iron Reducers
Marquart K, Paper J, Haller B, Shodunke G, Flynn T, Jin Q & Kirk M

(2015) Broad-Scale Evidence for pH as a Control on Interactions between Iron- and Sulfate-Reducing Microbes in Aquifer Systems
Kirk M, Jin Q & Haller B

(2015) A Laboratory Study of Biogeochemical Processes in an Arsenic-Contaminated Aquifer
Maguffin S & Jin Q

(2013) Arsenic Methylation in the Bedrock Aquifer of the Willamette Basin, Oregon, USA
Maguffin SC & Jin Q

(2012) Towards a Unifying Theory of Geomicrobial Kinetics
Jin Q

(2009) Integrating Bioenergetics into Biogeochemical Reaction-Path Modeling
Jin Q

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