All abstracts by Carlos A. Jaramillo in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Pliocene Paleodrainage in Northwestern South America Constrained by Multi-Method Sedimentary Provenance in the Alta Guajira Peninsula, ColombiaPerez Consuegra N, Parra M, Montes C & Jaramillo CA
(2012) Modeling Nd Oceanic Cycle in Present and Past Climate, with a Focus on the Closure of the Panama Isthmus during the Miocene
Dutay J-C, Sepulchre P, Arsouze T & Jaramillo C
(2011) The Interaction between Central and South America from Sr-Isotope Chemostratigrpahy of Cenozoic Coral Reef Sucessions
Silva Tamayo JC, Montes C, Cardona A, Jaramillo C, Bayona G, Ramirez V, Nino H, Ducea M, Sial A & Zapata V