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All abstracts by Gwenaël Imfeld in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Evaluating Micropollutant Degradation and Persistence in Soil with Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA)
Imfeld G, Masbou J, Marcic C & Payraudeau S

(2019) Pesticides Dissipation at the Water-Sediment Interface
Droz B, Drouin G, Guyot B, Masbou J, Payraudeau S & Imfeld G

(2017) Effects of Microstructural Changes Associated with Silicate Dissolution on (Bio)weathering Rates
Wild B, Daval D, Guyot F, Fernandez-Martinez A, Remusat L, Bernard S, Rébiscoul D, Micha J-S, Narteau C, Rozier O & Imfeld G

(2017) A Novel Approach to Quantify Factors Controlling Silicate Weathering Rates from the Laboratory to the Field
Wild B, Imfeld G, Beaulieu E, Guyot F & Daval D

(2015) Biotransformation of Copper along Redox Gradients in Polluted Wetland Sediments
Imfeld G, Babcsany I, Granet M & Chabaux F

(2014) Evaluation of Chloroacetanilide Herbicides in Wetland Sytems Using Enantiomer- and Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis
Elsayed O, Maillard E, Vuilleumier S, Nijenhuis I, Richnow H & Imfeld G

(2014) Copper Stable Isotopes to Trace Copper Behavior in Vineyard Catchments and Connected Wetland Systems
Imfeld G, Babcsanyi I, Granet M & Chabaux F

(2014) Chemical Weathering Rates of Feldspars: A Stepwise Approach from Laboratory to Field Estimates
Wild B, Daval D, Imfeld G, Saldi GD & Knauss KG

(2013) Using Isotopic Analysis of Copper to Assess Copper Transport and Partitioning in Wetland Systems
Babcsanyi I, Chabaux F, Granet M & Imfeld G

(2011) Characterisation of the Transfer and Biodegradation of Chloroacetamide Herbicides in Lab-Scale Wetlands
Elsayed OF, Maillard E, Vuilleumier S & Imfeld G

(2009) In situ Investigation of Microbial Diversity and Anaerobic Chlorobenzene Degradation along a Vertical Gradient
Nijenhuis I, Martinez P, Junca H, Stelzer N, Imfeld G, Weber S & Richnow H

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