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All abstracts by Alexander Ignatiev in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2015) Variations Δ17O of H2O2 Formed in Electrical Discharge with Water Vapor and Oxygen
Velivetskaya T, Ignatiev A, Yakovenko V & Budnitsky S

(2015) Local FS-IR Laser – Fluorination CF-IRMS δ34S, δ33S Isotope Analyses of Sulfides
Ignatiev A & Velivetskaya T

(2013) Oxygen Isotopes as an Indicator of Corundums Origin
Yakovenko V, Vysotskiy S & Ignatiev A

(2013) Method for Measurement of Argon Isotopes in Helium Flow for K/Ar Geochronology
Budnitskiy S, Ignatiev A & Velivetskaya T

(2011) W-Sn Ores of the Svetloye Deposit: Mode of Formation from Isotope, Fluid Inclusion and Modeling Studies
Sushchevskaya T, Bychkov A, Ignatiev A, Matveeva S, Popova J, Prisyagina N & Velivetskaya T

(2007) Oxygen Isotopic Zonality at the Iultin Sn-W Deposit (Chukotka, North-East of Russia)
Sushchevskaya T, Spasennykh M, Ignatiev A & Velivetskaya T

(2007) Open Tube Combustion Method of Organic Samples for Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis
Velivetskaya T, Ignatiev A & Kiyashko S

(2007) Method Measurement of Ar Isotopes in He Stream (Conflo) for K/Ar Geochronology
Ignatiev A, Velivetskaya T & Budnitskiy C

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