All abstracts by Milan Hokr in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Numerical Modelling of Migration Tests Through a FractureJankovec J, Polak M, Jankovsky F, Zuna M, Kotowski J & Hokr M
(2019) Contaminant Migration Experiments in an Artificial Block-Scale Granite Fracture
Jankovský F, Zuna M, Havlová V, Kotowski J, Jankovec J & Hokr M
(2019) Migration Experiments in Naturally Fractured Crystalline Core Samples
Jankovský F, Zuna M, Havlová V, Kulenkampff J, Kotowski J, Jankovec J & Hokr M
(2011) Measurement of Isotopes and Chemistry in Tunnel Inflow for Study of Water Flow in Fractured Rock
Hokr M & Balvin A