All abstracts by Thilo Hofmann in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Building the Foundation for Environmental Nanogeochemistry: A Survey of Natural Nanoparticle Systems and Standards Across LaboratoriesCuss CW, Benedetti MF, Brake T, Churchill C, Costamanga CA, Fernando S, Hofmann T, von der Kammer F, Mesnard L, Montano M, Ranville JF, Slaveykova V, Tharaud M, Wilkinson KJ & Worms IAM
(2023) Reductive Dechlorination of Chlorinated Ethenes by Iron Nitride Nanoparticles
Brumovský M, Micić V, Oborná J, Filip J, Hofmann T & Tunega D
(2022) Stromatolites of the Western Pannonian Basin Reflect Trace Metal Availability in Microbial Habitats during the Middle Miocene Salinity Crisis
Viehmann S, Kujawa R, Hohl SV, Tepe N, Rodler A, Hofmann T & Draganits E
(2022) The Provenance of Copper of Egyptian Blue Pigments: A Sarcophagus from Sidon
Rodler A, Brøns C, Tepe N, Hofmann T, Koeberl C, Frei R & Artioli G
(2022) Nitriding of nZVI as a Novel Means to Improve its Selectivity for Trichloroethylene Remediation
Brumovsky M, Oborná J, Micić V, Malina O, Kašlík J, Tunega D, Kolos M, Hofmann T, Karlický F & Filip J
(2021) Experimental Transformations of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles in Redox-Dynamic Freshwater Sediments
Stetten L, von der Kammer F & Hofmann T
(2019) Leaching of Additives and Fragmentation of Plastics in Semi-Terrestiral Environments
Hüffer T, Henkel C & Hofmann T
(2018) Effect of Water Treatment on the Gadolinium Cycle
Brünjes R & Hofmann T
(2018) Analyzing Natural and Engineered Nanoparticles: A Way Forward
Hofmann T, Kammer F, Praetorius A & Montano M
(2017) Transformation of Copper-Based Nano Materials in Soils
Laycock A, Gerstmann B, Tepe N, Kah M, Hofmann T & von der Kammer F
(2017) Improvements in Sample Introduction and Calibration Approaches for Analysis of Engineered Nanomaterials by Single Particle ICP-MS
Tepe N, Laycock A, Hofmann T & von der Kammer F
(2017) TiO2 Nanomaterials Detection in Calcium Rich Matrices by spICPMS. a Matter of Resolution and Treatment
Tharaud M, Gondikas A, Benedetti M, von der Kammer F, Hofmann T & Cornelis G
(2015) Investigating Bank Infiltration Using Gadolinium as Anthropogenic Tracer
Brünjes R, Bichler A & Hofmann T
(2015) Detection of Engineered Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles in Soils
von der Kammer F, Praetorius A, Grundlach-Graham A, Guenther D & Hofmann T
(2014) Hunting Nanoparticles in the Environment: The Case of Nano-TiO2 from Sunscreens
von der kammer F, Gondikas A, Reed R & Hofmann T
(2013) Reacitivity of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron Particles Used for in situ Groundwater Remediation
Schmid D, Laumann S, Micic Batka V & Hofmann T
(2013) Polyelectrolyte Injection Increases Mobility of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron in Carbonate Sand
Laumann S, Micic V & Hofmann T
(2013) Evaluating Possible Risks and Benefits of Nanopesticides Application
Kah M, Beulke S, Tiede K & Hofmann T
(2013) Detection of Engineered Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles in the Environment
von der Kammer F, Neubauer E, Reed R, Ranville J & Hofmann T
(2013) Bioavailability of Metals Associated with Aquatic Natural Organic Matter
Maurice P, Kuhn K, Neubauer L, Hofmann T & von der Kammer F
(2013) Colloid-Associated Iron and Arsenic Transport in Streams
Neubauer E, von der Kammer F, Knorr K-H, Peiffer S, Reichert M, Köhler SJ, Laudon H & Hofmann T
(2012) Metal Speciation and Dynamics of Carrier Phases in a Boreal Forested Catchment Under Transient Chemical Conditions
Neubauer E, Koehler S, v. d. Kammer F, Laudon H & Hofmann T
(2012) Development of Flow-Field Flow Fractionation Based Methods for the Characterization of Engineered Nanoparticles in a Complex Matrix
von der Kammer F, Legros S, Wagner S, Meisterjahn B, Larsen E, Loeschner K, Navratilova J & Hofmann T
(2012) Mobility of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron in Quartz and Carbonate Sands
Laumann S, Micic V & Hofmann T
(2011) Size Dependent Element Interaction and Speciation in Environmental Nanoparticles
Neubauer E, von der Kammer F, Kraemer SM & Hofmann T
(2011) Development of Methodologies Based on Field-Flow Fractionation for the Characterization of Engineered Nanoparticles in Complex Samples
Meisterjahn B, Legros S, von der Kammer F & Hofmann T
(2011) Influence of Humic Acids on Pyrene Sorption by Carbon Nanotubes
Zhang X, Kah M & Hofmann T
(2010) Testing Nanoparticles for their Environmental Behaviour
von der Kammer F, Ottofuelling S & Hofmann T
(2010) Environmental Nanoparticles: Distribution and Behaviour of Main and Trace Elements at the Nanoscale
von der Kammer F, Hofmann T, Plathe K, Legros S, Neubauer E, Hochella M, Le Coustumer P & Hassellöv M
(2010) The Role Nanoparticulate Oxides as Transporters of Toxic Trace Metals in Riverbed Sediment
Plathe K, von der Kammer F, Hassellöv M, Moore J, Murayama M, Hofmann T & Hochella M
(2009) Nanoparticle Facilitated Transport of Organic Contaminants
Hofmann T & von der Kammer F
(2007) Native PAHs in Hard Coal Particles as a Possible Source of Increased PAH Concentrations in River Sediments
Micic V, Achten C, Schwarzbauer J & Hofmann T