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All abstracts by Richard Abell in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2019) Rare Earth Elements in Biogenic Carbonate as Proxies for the Marine Carbonate System?
Crocket K, Baer T, Abell R, Beveridge C, Hughes D, Hathorne E & Schijf J

(2017) New Perspectives on the Cenozoic ∂7Li Record
Henehan M, Abell R, Tsong R, Kalderon-Asael B, Planavsky N, Burke J, Elder L, Foster G, Davis C, Maas A, Elliott T, Schmidt D & Hull P

(2017) Neodymium Isotopic comNeodymium Isotopic Composition of East Antarctic Continental Shelf and Deep Water
Rehkamper M, van de Flierdt T, Lambelet M, Crocket K, Abell R, Nitsche F & Griffiths A

(2016) Source, Cycling and Circulation Effects on Seawater Rare Earth Elements in the NE Atlantic
Crocket K, Hill E, Abell R, Johnson C, Gary S, Brand T & Hathorne E

(2008) Neoproterozoic Carbonates: An Isotopic Archive of Ocean Acidification?
Kasemann S, Abell R, Prave A, Fallick A & Hawkesworth C

(2007) Li Isotopes and Li/Ca Measured in Foraminifera via SIMS and MC-ICP-MS
Abell R, Elliott T, Foster G, Kasemann S & Schmidt D

(2006) Accurate and precise determination of Li isotopes in Foraminiferal Carbonate
Abell R, Elliott T, Foster GL & Schmidt DN

(2006) The metamorphic record of Lithium and Boron isotope fractionation in subduction zones
Marschall H, Elliott T & Abell R

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