All abstracts by Hassan Helmy in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Pre-Nucleation Clustering of Noble Metals in High-Temperature Magmatic LiquidsHelmy H, Ballhaus C, Fonseca R, Wirth R, Nagel T & Tredoux M
(2011) PGE Complexes at Superliquidus Temperature: Embryos for Platinum-Group Minerals?
Helmy H, Ballhaus C, Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser C, Wirth R & Tredoux M
(2011) Late Volatile Addition to Earth
Ballhaus C, Laurenz V, Fonseca ROC, Muenker C, Albarède F, Rohrbach A, Schmidt MW, Jochum KP, Stoll B, Weis U & Helmy H
(2011) Possible Platinum Group Element (PGE) Clusters in Magmatic Systems; Using Synthetic Sulphide Melts
Kennedy B, Tredoux M, Ballhaus C, Helmy H, Swart H & Coetsee L
(2002) Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) Deposits from the Eastern Desert of Egypt: A Comparative Mineralogical and Geochemical Study
Helmy H