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All abstracts by Daniel E. Harlov in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) A New Perspective for Improving the Thermodynamic Properties of Rare Earth Elements (REE) Aqueous Complexes in sub to Supercritical Hydrothermal Fluids
Gysi AP, Hurtig NC, Han HJ, Waters L, Harlov DE, Miron GD, Kulik DA, Migdissov A & Zhu C

(2024) The Solubility and Complexation of Ce, Y and Er in Hydrothermal Fluids at Varying pH and Salinity between 350 and 500℃
Kershaw CT, Hurtig NC, Gysi AP, Migdissov A, Waters LE & Harlov DE

(2024) Metasomatic Incorporation of S6+ and S4+ into Fluorapatite as a Function of Coupled Substitutions with Na, Si, Fe, and Ce
Harlov DE, Konecke B & Simon A

(2023) Experimental Metasomatic Incorporation of Sulfur into Fluorapatite
Harlov DE, Konecke B & Simon A

(2023) Tracking the Evolution of the “Tin Corridor” at the Neves Corvo Deposit (Iberian Pyrite Belt) Through Metasomatism of Phosphate Minerals
Codeço MS, Gleeson SA, Relvas JMRS, Wilke FDH, Schleicher A, Stammeier JA, Barrote V, Harlov DE, Schmidt C & Weis P

(2023) What Controls the Mobility of Rare Earth Elements (REE) in Critical Mineral Deposits in Acidic vs. Alkaline Hydrothermal Fluids?
Gysi AP, Hurtig NC, Waters L, Harlov DE, Miron GD, Kulik DA, Migdissov A & Zhu C

(2023) Database of Raman Spectra for REE Mineral Endmembers and Applications to Aqueous REE Complexation
Hurtig NC, Gysi AP, Smith-Schmitz SE, Maciag B, Migdissov A & Harlov DE

(2023) The Solubility of ErPO4 in Hydrothermal Fluids at Varying pH and Salinity between 350 and 450℃
Kershaw CT, Hurtig NC, Gysi AP, Migdissov A, Waters LE & Harlov DE

(2022) The Role of Coupled Dissolution-Reprecipitation in Fluid-Mineral Reactions: Silicates, Oxides, and Phosphates
Harlov DE

(2021) Zircon as a Recorder of Chemical Change during Metamorphism of Neoarchean Lower Crust, Shevaroy Block, Eastern Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Harlov DE, Dunkley D, Hansen E, C I-K, Samuel V & Hokada T

(2021) Late-Orogenic Juvenile Magmatism of the Mesoproterozoic Namaqualand Province (South Africa) and its Relation to REE-Th Monazite-Iron Oxide Mineralization
Ballouard C, Elburg MA, Harlov DE, Tappe S, Knoper MW, Eglinger A & Andreoli MAG

(2021) Empirically Investigating the Sulfur and Rare Earth Element Mobility between Apatite and Hydrothermal Fluids as a Function of Temperature (500-800℃) and Fluid Composition (mHCl-Mh2SO4)
Casaus J, Konecke B, Harlov DE & Simon A

(2016) Multiple F:Cl:OH Environments for Apatites from a Single Lunar Breccia
Asahi T, Fagan TJ & Harlov DE

(2016) Experimental Incorporation of U into Xenotime at 900℃, 500-1000 MPa Utilizing Alkali-Bearing Fluids
Harlov D

(2015) Experiments and Numerical Modeling of Hydrothermal REE Ore Forming Processes in the Crust
Gysi A, Williams-Jones A & Harlov D

(2015) Solubility of F-Cl-Apatites in KCl-H2O Brines at 800℃ and 1 GPa
Mair P, Tropper P, Manning C & Harlov D

(2015) High-Cl Apatite as an Indicator of KREEP in the Breccia of Lunar Meteorite Northwest Africa 773
Fagan TJ, Shimoda A, Yokomizo S & Harlov DE

(2015) Monazite, Xenotime and Apatite Chemistry and Textures: Clues to Understanding Geochronologic Discrepancies in the Llallagua Tin Deposit, Bolivia
Betkowski W, Rakovan J & Harlov D

(2015) Zircon Trace Element Chemistry as a Function of Metamorphic Grade along a Traverse of Lower Archean Crust, Shevaroy Block, Southern India
Harlov D, Dunkley D, Hansen E & Ishwar-Kumar C

(2015) Deformation Textures of Zircon from Granitic Rocks
Kovaleva E, Harlov D & Klötzli U

(2015) Revealing Low-Temperature Alkaline Alteration of Zircon via Unpolished Grain Mapping
Kelly C, Schneider D, Jackson S & Harlov D

(2014) Fluorapatite-Monazite-Allanite Relations in the Grängesberg Apatite-Iron Ore District, Central Sweden
Majka J, Harlov D, Jonsson E, Högdahl K, Persson Nilsson K & Troll V

(2014) (Y+REE)PO4-Fluorapatite Associations in Kiruna Type Magnetite-Apatite Ore Deposits
Harlov D

(2014) Hydrothermal Mineral Replacement Reactions for an Apatite-Monazite Assemblage in Alkali-Rich Fluids
Betkowski W, Harlov D & Rakovan J

(2013) Experimental Incorporation of U into Xenotime at 900℃, 500-1000 MPa Utilizing Alkali-Bearing Fluids
Harlov D & Rhede D

(2013) Ce-Monazite and Y-Xenotime Solubilities in H2O-NaF at 800℃, 1 GPa: Implicatons for REE Transport
Tropper P, Harlov D & Manning C

(2012) Alteration of Zircon in Alkaline Fluids: Nature and Experiment
Harlov D, Lewerentz A & Schersten A

(2011) Experimental High-Grade Alteration of Zircon Using Alkali- and Ca-Bearing Solutions
Harlov D & Dunkley D

(2010) The Solubility Behavior of CePO4 and YPO4 in H2O-NaCl at 800℃ and 1 GPa: Implications for the Role of Brines for REE Transport during High-Grade Metamorphism
Tropper P, Manning C & Harlov D

(2010) Th and U Incorporation into Xenotime during Partial Alteration by Alkali-Bearing Fluids
Harlov D

(2009) Magmatism and Metamorphism in the Middle-Lower Crust, SW Sweden
Harlov D, Van den Kerkhof A, Hansen E & Johansson L

(2009) Solubility of CePO4 and YPO4 in H2O, H2O-NaCl and H2O-NaF at 800℃ and 1 GPa: Implications for REE Transport during High-Grade Metamorphism
Tropper P, Manning C & Harlov D

(2008) Localised Fluid-Induced, Solid State Dehydration in the Lower Crust: CO2-rich Fluids vs. Concentrated Brines
Harlov D, van den Kerkhof A & Johansson L

(2007) Metasomatically Induced Alteration and Re-equilibration of Orthophosphate and Silicate Minerals: Textures, Fluids, and Mass Transfer
Harlov D

(2006) Replacement of monazite by a huttonite component: nature and experiment
Harlov D, Wirth R & Hetherington C

(2006) Sulphide and oxide isograds along a late Archean, deep-crustal profile, Tamil Nadu, south India
Harlov D & Hansen E

(2005) Monazite-Zircon-Fluorapatite Associations in the Melechov Granite Massif, Czech Republic
Harlov D, Prochazka V & Förster H

(2005) Apatite from Durango (Mexico) – A Potential Standard for in situ Trace Element Analysis of Phosphates
Frei D, Harlov D, Dulski P & Rønsbo J

(2005) KCl Metasomatism in the Lower Crust: Nature and Experiment
Harlov D

(2004) Origin of Extreme 3He/4He Signatures in Icelandic Lavas: Insights from Melt Inclusion Studies
Harlou R, Kent A, Breddam K, Davidson J & Pearson D

(2004) Dissolution-Reprecipitation in Fluorapatite: Fluid Infiltration and Formation of Metasomatic Monazite
Harlov D, Wirth R & Förster H

(2000) Experimental Nucleation of Co-existing Monazite and Xenotime Grains in Chlorapatite
Harlov D & Hans-Jürgen F

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