All abstracts by Simon. L Harley in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Monitoring Groundwater Evolution in Bentonite Buffer Systems Using the Corrosion of NdFeB MagnetsRigonat N & Harley S
(2015) Zircon Behaviour in Hot Orogens
Harley S
(2015) UHT Metamorphism, the Lewisian, and the Legacy of Mike O’Hara
Harley S
(2014) Boron Isotopes in Tourmaline from the 3.7-3.8 Ga Isua Belt, Greenland: Implications for B Concentrations in Eoarchean Continental Crust
Grew E, Dymek R, De Hoog J, Harley S, Hazen R & Yates M
(2013) Orogenic Eclogites, Rutile and Trace Element Flux in the Subduction Zone
Wilkinson D, Fitton G & Harley S
(2011) Combined SIMS U-Pb Ages and Ti-in-Zircon Geothermometry Fingerprints Long Deep Crustal Residence in the Archaean
MacDonald J, Wheeler J, Harley S, Goodenough K, Crowley Q & Mariani E
(2010) A Magmatic Record of Middle Archaean Subduction
McCallum CA & Harley SL
(2008) Multi-Stage Zircon Growth during a Single Partial Melting Event – Insights from REE Partitioning
Kelly N, Harley S & Hinton R
(2008) Experimental Studies on Rutile Solubility
Rapp J, Klemme S & Harley S
(2007) Experimental Determination of Trace Element Partition Coefficients between Zircon, Garnet and Melt
Taylor R, Harley S, Hinton R & Elphick S
(2007) Insights into Crustal Anatexis from Zircon-Garnet REE Behaviour
Kelly N, Harley S & Hinton R
(2006) The Hottest Crust
Harley S
(2006) Granulites and the Nature of Crust-Mantle Interactions
Harley S
(2006) Zircon-Garnet REE distribution: events and processes in high grade terrains.
Kelly N, Harley S & Hinton R
(2006) New approaches to U-Th-Pb zircon dating using the Cameca ims-1270
Hinton R, Kelly N, Appleby S & Harley S
(2005) Timing of Zircon Growth during High-Grade Metamorphism: Constraints from Garnet-Zircon REE
Kelly N & Harley S
(2005) Lu-Hf Systematics of the Earliest Crust in Antarctica: The Napier Complex of Enderby Land
Mukasa S, Choi SH, Andronikov A, Osanai Y & Harley S