All abstracts by Samantha Hammond in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Development of the Tellurium Stable Isotope ProxyFehr M, Hammond S, König S, Schönbächler M & Parkinson I
(2015) Stable Sr Isotopic Study of Himalayan Leucogranites
Hopkinson T, Charlier B, Hammond S, Harris N & Warren C
(2015) Controls on the High PGE Content of Primary Mantle Spinel
Whiteley L, Harvey J, Hammond S & Dale C
(2015) Metasomatism and Melt-Rock Interactions in Spinel Peridotites from Borée, Massif Central, France
Barnett C, Harvey J, Morgan D, Hammond S & Walshaw R
(2015) Petrogenesis of Post-Collisional Volcanism in the Greater Caucasus
Bewick S, Harris N, Hammond S, Parkinson I, Adamia S & Sadradze N
(2013) Redox Controls on Diagenetic Incorporation of Rare Earth Elements in Fossil Fish Teeth
Huck C, van de Flierdt T, Bohaty S & Hammond S
(2013) Tellurium Stable Isotope Variations in Chondrites
Fehr M, Hammond S & Parkinson I
(2011) Fractionation of HSE in the Tonga Arc: Flux Melting of a Depleted Source
Macpherson CG, Dale CW, Pearson GD, Hammond SJ & Arculus RJ
(2009) Trace Element and δ7Li Geochemistry of Tonga Arc Submarine Basalts
Hammond S, Rogers N, Parkinson I & James R
(2009) Trace Element and Pb and Sr Isotope Systematics in Petroleum Systems
Avanzinelli R, Hawkesworth C, van der Boorn S, van Bergen P & Hammond S
(2008) Laser Ablation Analysis of Metal Grains in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Hammond S, Rogers N & Bland P
(2007) Hf, Sr, Nd and Pb Isotopes in Primitive Tongan Lavas: Constraining Mobility in Slab Fluids
Dale C, Macpherson C, Pearson G, Nowell G, Hammond S & Arculus R
(2007) <delta>7Li Systematics of Mantle Xenoliths from Kilbourne Hole: Unraveling Metasomatic & Diffusional Processes
Hammond S, Parkinson I, James R, Rogers N & Harvey J
(2007) Revisiting the Elemental Composition of Enstatite Chondrites
Wade J, Hammond SJ, Rogers NW & Grady MM
(2006) Lithium isotope fractionation at magmatic temperatures; evidence for diffusional fractionation in phenocrysts
Parkinson I, Hammond SJ, James RH & Rogers NW
(2004) Lithium and Crustal Recycling during Subduction
Hammond S, Parkinson I, Rogers N & James R