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All abstracts by Jochen Halfar in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) Variability in Primary Productivity Associated with Arctic Sea-Ice Melt Recorded in Crustose Coralline Algae
Chan PTW, Halfar J, Zajacz Z, Schӧne B, Andersson-Dahl C & Jansen E

(2018) Advances in the Mg/Ca-Temperature Proxy in Coralline Algae: A Case Study in the Genus Clathromorphum
Williams B, Williams S, Anagnostou E, Ries J, Rasher D, Westfield I, Halfar J & Adey W

(2017) Comparison of Three Analytical Techniques to Measure Mg/Ca Values in High-Latitude Encrusting Coralline Algae
Williams B, Halfar J, Light T, Hou A, Zajacz Z & Tsay S

(2014) Seasonality in Calcification, Sclerochronology, and Geochemistry in the Encrusting Coralline Alga Clathromorphum compactum
Williams B, Adey W & Halfar J

(2013) Isotope Imaging via LA-MC-ICPMS: A δ11B Study in Marine Carbonates
Fietzke J, Ragazzola F, Halfar J, Dietze H, Foster LC, Hansteen TH, Eisenhauer A & Steneck RS

(2012) Coralline Algae as pH-Recorders on Seasonal to Centennial Timescales
Fietzke J, Ragazzola F, Halfar J, Dietze H, Foster LC, Hansteen TH & Eisenhauer A

(2009) High-Resolution Analysis of Trace Elements in Encrusting Coralline Red Algae by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Halfar J, Hetzinger S, Zack T, Kronz A, Simon K, Steneck R, Adey W, Lebednik P, Schoene B & Fietzke J

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