All abstracts by Alexandra Haase-Schramm in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2007) U-Th, δ18O and Paleomagnetic Dating of a Mid-Pleistocene Lacustrine Sequence: The Amora Formation, Mount Sedom, IsraelTorfstein A, Haase-Schramm A, Waldmann N, Kolodny Y & Stein M
(2004) Brine-Freshwater Interaction and Redox Conditions in Lake Lisan during MIS2
Torpstein A, Gavrieli I, Goldstein S, Katz A, Haase-Schramm A & Stein M
(2004) Sr/Ca Ratios in Caribbean Sclerosponges as Temperature Proxy
Haase-Schramm A, Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Garbe-Schönberg D, Reitner J & Dullo W
(2002) Fractionation of 44Ca/40Ca between Aragonite and Calcite
Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Gussone N, Heuser A, Haase-Schramm A & Dietzel M