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All abstracts by Tom Reershemius in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Using Riverine Time Series to Evaluate Enhanced Weathering Signal lag in the Mississippi Watershed
Suhrhoff TJ, Reinhard CT, Tsao S-E, Woollen B, Reershemius T, Saiers JE, Zhang S, Raymond P & Planavsky NJ

(2024) A Cradle-To-Grave Perspective on Monitoring, Reporting, and Verifying Carbon Dioxide Removal Through Enhanced Weathering
Reinhard CT, Kanzaki Y, Zhang S, Suhrhoff TJ, Reershemius T, Jordan JS, Zhou X, Ito T, Tsao S, Raymond P, Saiers JE, Bracco A & Planavsky NJ

(2023) Enhanced Rock Weathering in Agricultural Settings: Real-World Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Removal, Crop Yields, and Soil pH
Welbel G, Reershemius T, Matlin-Wainer M, Davis I, Lieberman S, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ

(2023) Quantifying Carbon Dioxide Removal in an Enhanced Rock Weathering Field Trial in Queensland, Australia: A Soil-Based Mass Balance Approach
Reershemius T, Nelson PN, Davies K, Bird MI, Kalderon-Asael B, Asael D, Epihov DZ, Beerling DJ, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ

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