All abstracts by Sophie L Nixon in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Geochemical Controls on Biological N2 Fixation within Mars Analogue SystemsGalloway T, Cousins C, Stüeken EE, Telling J, Boden JS, Stead CE, Greco C, Moreras-Marti A, Fox-Powell MG & Nixon SL
(2023) The Utilisation of Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals as a Carbon Source by Microorganisms Cultivated from UK Flowback Fluids and Soils
Edwards K, Buss HL, Worrall F, Hernandez Becerra N, Cliffe L & Nixon SL
(2023) Carbon Fixation Potential of the Deep Biosphere: Implications for Geological CO2 Storage
Nixon SL, Greco C, Nagel F, Purkamo L & Bomberg M