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All abstracts by William M Mayes in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Long-Term Effects of Vegetation Cover on the Rehabilitation of Lead/Zinc Mine Tailings
Burke IT, Sepulveda Olea FE, Stewart DI, Courtney R, Mayes WM, Weightman A & Webster G

(2024) The Sorption of Cr and As in a Multi-Element System onto Freshwater Lake Sediments: Mobility Across pH Value and their Redox States
Mulyani ME, Newton RJ, Mayes WM, Spears BM & Burke IT

(2023) Quantifying CO2 Removal from Enhanced Weathering Sites: A Multi-Proxy Approach
Knapp WJ, Stevenson EI, Renforth P, Ascough P, Knight ACG, Bridgestock L, Bickle M, Lin Y, Riley AL, Mayes WM & Tipper ET

(2023) Arsenic Speciation and Evolution in Coastal Legacy Wastes
Onnis P, Burke IT, Gandy CJ, Jennings E, Crane R, Riley AL, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Hudson-Edwards KA

(2023) Ecotoxic Metal(Loid) Geochemistry and Mineralogy in Coastal Legacy Wastes
Onnis P, Riley AL, Gandy CJ, Jennings E, Crane R, Byrne P, Burke IT, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Hudson-Edwards KA

(2023) Eroding Coastal Landfill Sites: The Relative Contribution of Coastal and Inland Mining Wastes to Metal Flux along a Post-Industrial Coastline
Riley AL, Onnis P, Gandy CJ, Kanu C, Umeobika CV, Cameron J, Burke IT, Hudson-Edwards KA, Jarvis AP & Mayes WM

(2023) Long-Term Metal Flux and Concentration Behaviour in an AMD Affected Catchment
Jennings E, Comber S, Crane R, Hudson-Edwards KA, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Onnis P

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