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All abstracts by Peter W Crockford in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Barium Isotope Signatures of Authigenic Carbonates in Seep Environments
Feng D, Gong S, Sun T, Crockford PW, Bohrmann G, Peckmann J, Liang Q & Roberts H

(2023) Controls on Barium Isotopes in Seep Barites from the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope
Feng D, Sun T, Crockford PW, Tian L-L, Gong S & Roberts HH

(2023) Enhanced Marine Biological Carbon Pump as a Trigger for Early Mississippian Marine Anoxia and Climatic Cooling
Zhang F, Pohl A, Elrick M, Swart P, Cheng K, Crockford PW, Fakhraee M, Lin Y, Cao M, Wei G, Li N & Shen S

(2023) Double-Substitution of 34S and 18O – A Tracer for Sulfate Sources
Surma J, Ueno Y, Katsuta T, Nakagawa M, Crockford PW, Bao H & Yoshida N

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