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All abstracts by Jonathan O Sharp in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Discerning the Interplay between Biotic and Abiotic Mechanisms for Arsenite Oxidation in a Photosynthetic Microbial Mat
Wang W, Yang Z(, Vega MA, Vanzin GF & Sharp JO

(2024) Disturbance and Recovery of Metal Dynamics in a Photosynthetic Microbial Biomat Following Exposure to Acid Mine Drainage
Yang Z(, Vanzin GF, Ranville JF & Sharp JO

(2022) Diel Cycling of Copper and Zinc in the Water Column Above a Photosynthetic Microbial Mat
Yang Z, Vanzin G, Peel H, Brady AR, Chang Huang P, Ranville J & Sharp JO

(2022) Contributions of Biogeochemical Cycling to Pharmaceutical Biotransformation in an Open-Water Engineered Wetland Biomat
Vega MA, Scholes RC, Brady AR, Daly RA, Narrowe AB, Bosworth L, Wrighton KC, Sedlak DL & Sharp JO

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