All abstracts by Victoria A Petryshyn in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Micro-Elemental Analysis of Stromatolites Reveal Fe as Potential Biosignature and Remnant of a Lithification MechanismCassady VC, Levene DR, Celestian AJ, Petryshyn VA, Berelson WM, Rasmussen K, Stevenson BS, Spear J & Corsetti FA
(2022) Biogenic Stromatolites as Lacustrine Oxygen Oases ~2.7 Ga: Synthesizing Textural and Geochemical Data
Wilmeth DT, Lalonde SV, Berelson WM, Petryshyn VA, Celestian AJ, Beukes N, Awramik S, Spear J, Mahseredjian T & Corsetti FA
(2022) Examining Fe-Cycling in Microbial Mats as a Lithification Mechanism and Possible Stromatolite Biosignature
Petryshyn VA, Berelson WM, Spear J, Cassady VC, Stevenson BS, Rasmussen K, Yang S-C, John SG & Corsetti FA