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All abstracts by Isabel P Montañez in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Repeated Occurrences of Marine Anoxia during Highly Oxygenated Late Paleozoic Icehouse
Chen J, Li S, Montañez IP, Zhang S, Isson T, Dahl TW, Planavsky NJ, Zhang F, Wang X & Shen S

(2024) Reconstructing the Carbon Isotope Composition of Phanerozoic Atmospheric CO2 Using a Bayesian Forward Model
Harper DT, Bowen G, Royer D, Zhang X, Da J, Richey JD, Breecker D, Honisch B & Montañez IP

(2022) Ecosystem-To-Global Scale Modeling of Vegetation-Climate Feedbacks during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age with Fossil-Based Plant Functional Types
Macarewich SI, Poulsen CJ, Matthaeus WJ, Richey JD, White J, Montañez IP, DiMichele WA, Hren MT, McElwain JC & Wilson JP

(2022) Opportunities and Challenges in Paleo-CO2 Reconstruction and Implications for Advancing our Understanding the Paleo-Earth System. Endowed Biogeochemistry Lecture
Montañez IP, Bowen G, Breecker D, Honisch B, Macarewich SI, Steinthorsdottir M & Royer D

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