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All abstracts by Joshua M Garber in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Classifying Complex Igneous Rocks from Zircon Depth Profiling Using Multivariate Approaches
Schoonover EJ, Mittal T, Garber JM, Ackerson M & Reimink JR

(2024) Uranium Speciation and Heterogeneity in Marine Phosphorites: Insight into the Uranium Paleo-Redox Proxy
Meyer FM, Chappaz A, Kvashnina K, Bazarkina EF, Marshall MS, Garber JM & Lau KV

(2023) A Multi-Scale, Spatially-Resolved Textural and Geochemical Approach to Interpreting Paleoproterozoic Biosignatures
Barlow (she/her) EV, Garber JM, Nomchong BJ & House CH

(2023) Shear Heating along a Nascent Subduction Interface
Garber JM, Rioux M, Cruz-Uribe AM, Smye AJ & Searle MP

(2023) Cryptic Geologic Events Revealed by Single Spot Rb-Sr Dating of Biotite by LA-MC-ICP-MS/MS
Arkula C, Cruz-Uribe AM, Garber JM, Craig G, Paul B & Bouman C

(2023) A Perspective on Life and its Environment(s) during the Great Oxygenation Event from Apatite and Dolomite Petrochronology of Microbialites: The 2.4-2.2 Ga Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
Soares GG, Garber JM, House C & Reimink JR

(2023) New Constraints on the Timescales of Continental Lower Crust Formation: A Garnet Lu-Hf Petrochronological Investigation of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy
Connop CH, Smye AJ, Garber JM & Vervoort JD

(2023) Single Spot Rb-Sr Isochron Dating of Micas by LA-MC-ICP-MS/MS
Cruz-Uribe AM, Craig G, Garber JM, Arkula C, Paul B & Bouman C

(2022) Rapid (~1 My) Heating Associated with Intraoceanic Thrusting beneath the Samail Ophiolite (Oman/UAE): Major- and Trace-Element Diffusion Speedometry of the Metamorphic Sole
Garber JM, Rioux M, Cruz-Uribe AM, Smye AJ & Searle MP

(2022) Timescales of Subduction Initiation in the Samail Ophiolite: High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Petrochronology of the Metamorphic Sole
Rioux M, Garber JM, Searle MP, Crowley JL, Stevens SM, Schmitz MD, Kylander-Clark A, Ambrose TK & Smye AJ

(2022) Reliability of Phosphorites as a Deep-Time Environmental Indicator: Apatite Petrochronology of the 2.4 Ga Turee Creek Group in Western Australia
Soares GG, Garber JM, House CH & Reimink JR

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