All abstracts by Cody Cockreham in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Thermodynamics of Materials and Minerals Under Confinement: From Ionic and Organic Solids to Refractory CeramicsHawkins MR, Zhang X, Cockreham C, Strzelecki AC, Reece ME, Goncharov VG, Sun H, Qi J, Guo X, Saunders SR, Ha S, Wang Y, Xu H & Wu D
(2022) Interfacial, Mineralogical and Microstructural Evolutions in Kerogen-Rich Shale from the Marcellus Formation at Pennsylvania and Shale-Like Rocks from the Negev Desert Under Thermal Treatments
Cockreham C, Zhang X, Strzelecki AC, Lau ML, Long M, Benmore CJ, Guo X, Klein-BenDavid O, Stauffer PH, Bussod GA, Xu H, Boukhalfa H & Wu D