All abstracts by David W Blowes in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Vitrification: A Potential Solution for Stabilizing Arsenic Trioxide Roaster Waste at the Giant Mine (Yellowknife, NT)Wang AO, Ptacek CJ, Wilson D, Isabelle J, Johnson BD & Blowes DW
(2024) Selenium Stable Isotope Ratios during Removal by H2S(g)
Shrimpton HK, Ptacek CJ & Blowes DW
(2023) Long-Term Evaluation of an Organic-Carbon Permeable Reactive Barrier Remediating Mine Impacted Groundwater and the Potential of Emulsified Vegetable Oil to Increase Treatment Performance
Miller AJ, Bain JG, Pakostova E, Ptacek CJ & Blowes DW
(2022) Application of X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Assess Arsenic Mobility and the Effectiveness of a Passive Treatment System at an Abandoned Au-Mine
Ptacek CJ, Angai J, Verbuyst B, Pakostova E, Bain J & Blowes DW