All abstracts by Maxwell Marzban Thiemens in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Lithium at the Top of the World – Analyses and Modelling of Li Mobility in the Salar de UyuniThiemens MM, Parlato JS, Ganeshram R, Butler I, Ngwenya B & Pichevin LE
(2022) Cerium-Nd Isotope Evidence for an Incompatible Element Depleted Moon
Hasenstab E, Münker C, Tusch J, Thiemens MM, Strub E, Garbe-Schönberg D & Sprung P
(2021) Modelling Constraints Point to the Ancient Formation of the Moon
Thiemens MM, Tusch J, Fonseca ROC, Leitzke FP, Fischer-Gödde M, Debaille V, Sprung P & Münker C
(2021) The Ce and Nd Isotope Inventory of Lunar Basalts – Implications for the Bulk Moon Composition
Hasenstab E, Thiemens MM, Strub E, Sprung P & Münker C