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All abstracts by Sean R Scott in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Analysis of Uranium Isotopes Using the Neoma MS/MS MC-ICP-MS
Scott SR, Hobbs KP, French AD, Arnquist IJ & Sullivan DL

(2024) Advancing Nuclear Forensics Measurements Utilizing Gas-Phase Chemistry in ICP-MS/MS
Hobbs KP, French AD, Scott SR, Arnquist IJ & Beck C

(2022) 238U-230Th-226Ra Dating of Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposits
Miller AE, Sims KW, Tivey MK, Humphris S & Scott SR

(2022) Combined 226Ra + 228Ra Analysis in Groundwater by MC-ICPMS
Scott SR, Mathews M, Plechacek A, Krinke G, Populin M & Ginder-Vogel M

(2022) Geogenic Radium Mobilization in the Iron- and Manganese-Reducing Zone of a DNAPL-Contaminated Aquifer
Plechacek A, Hook G, Mathews M, Scott SR, Meyer JR, Parker B & Ginder-Vogel M

(2021) Stable Ca Isotope Fractionation in Cenozoic Marine Mammals: Beyond Biomineralization & Trophic Positioning
Messa CM, Sims KW, Scott SR & Clementz MT

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