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All abstracts by Paolo A. Sossi in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Experimental and Numerical Constraints on the Distribution of Volatiles between Rocky Planet Interiors and Atmospheres
Thompson M, Sossi PA, Bower D & Shahar A

(2024) Extrasolar Geochemistry: Predicting Rocky Exoplanet Mantle Mineralogy Using Stellar Abundance Data
Spaargaren R, Wang H, Mojzsis SJ, Sossi PA & Lichtenberg T

(2023) Hydration and Metamorphism of Komatiites as a Source of Water for TTG Formation in the Archean
Tamblyn R, Hermann J, Hasterok D, Sossi PA, Pettke T & Chatterjee S

(2023) Densities of Fe2+- and Fe3+-bearing Silicate Glasses and the Redox State of Deep Magma Oceans
Girani A, Petitgirard S, Tucoulou Tachoueres R, Badro J & Sossi PA

(2023) Implications of the Condensation of the Bulk Silicate Earth for its Chemical Composition
Bischof L & Sossi PA

(2023) Fe Isotope Fractionation between Magnetite and Silicate Melt: Insights from Experiments
Novella D & Sossi PA

(2023) Probing Magma-Mush Reactions in Primitive Arc/Backarc Lavas Using Stable Fe Isotopes
Nebel O, Bénard A, Sossi PA, Brandl P, Whan T & Arculus R

(2023) Impact of Oxygen Fugacity on Mid-Infrared Atmospheric Spectral Features of Ultra-Hot Rocky Exoplanets
Seidler FL, Sossi PA & Grimm SL

(2023) Modeling Primordial Atmospheric Compositions and O2 Abundances from Magma Ocean and Volcanic Outgassing with VapoRock
Wolf AS, Jäggi N, Sossi PA & Bower DJ

(2023) The Effect of a Small Amount of H and H2O in Magma-Ocean Rocky-Exoplanets: Atmospheric Composition and Escape
Charnoz S, Falco A, Tremblin P, Sossi PA, Lagage P-O & Caracas R

(2023) Origin and Abundances of Volatiles on Mars from the Zinc Isotopic Composition of Martian Meteorites
Paquet M, Sossi PA & Moynier F

(2023) Iron Isotopic Fractionation during Core Formation in Large Terrestrial Planets
Kubik E, Sossi PA & Bouvier A

(2023) Origin of Moderately Volatile Element Depletion on Differentiated Bodies: Insights from the Evaporation of Indium from Silicate Melts
Liu D, Moynier F, Siebert J, Sossi PA, Hu Y & Kubik E

(2023) When the Moon Gives you the KREEP – The Residual Lunar Magma Ocean and Liquid Immiscibility
Ofierska W, Schmidt MW, Sossi PA & Liebske C

(2022) Iron Isotopic Fractionation between Core and Mantle in Large Terrestrial Planets
Kubik E, Sossi PA, Néri A & Bouvier A

(2021) Stochastic Accretion of the Earth – F.G. Houtermans Medal Lecture
Sossi PA, Stotz IL, Jacobson SA, Morbidelli A & O'Neill H

(2021) Tidal Pull of the Earth Strips the proto-Moon of its Volatiles
Charnoz S, Sossi PA, Lee Y-N, Siebert J, Hyodo R, Allibert L, Landeau M, Oza A & Moynier F

(2021) Tracking the Origin of Earth’s Volatile Elements Depletion with Indium
Liu D, Moynier F, Siebert J & Sossi PA

(2021) Vaporisation of Group 13 Elements from Basaltic Melts by Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometry
Bischof L, Sossi PA, Sergeev D, Müller M & Schmidt MW

(2021) Experimental Phase Relations in the CaS-Fes System and their Bearing on the Evolution of Mercury
Pitsch S, Schmidt MW, Sossi PA & Liebske C

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