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All abstracts by Minik T Rosing in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Analyzing Organic Compounds Trapped within 3.7 Billion Years Old Liquid Inclusions
Harding MAR, Boyd AJ, Siljeström S, Shivayogimath A, Sørensen HO, Shamsuyeva M, Aliuos P, Rosing MT & Hassenkam T

(2023) In situ Lead and Multiple Sulfur Isotope Analyses of Sulfides in Eoarchean Peridotites Provide Evidence for Early Crustal Recycling
Lewis JA, Schwarzenbach EM, Liesegang M, van de Löcht J, Schwarz A, Strauss H, Münker C, Rosing MT, Whitehouse M, Jeon H & Hoffmann JE

(2023) Earth’s Oldest Detrital Sediments Comprise Turbidites with Tonalitic Provenance
Boyd AJ, Rosing MT, Harding MAR, Hassenkam T & Canfield DE

(2021) Evidence for Recycled Surface-Derived Sulfur in Earth’s Oldest Mantle Peridotites from Southern West Greenland
Hoffmann JE, Lewis JA, Schwarzenbach EM, Strauss H, Vrijmoed HJC & Rosing MT

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