All abstracts by Laura Jennifer Anabel Rzehak in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) A Multi-Stage Origin for Juvenile Continental Crust in the Archean: Evidence from Titanium Isotope Compositions in Eoarchean Rocks from the Isua Supracrustal Belt, SW GreenlandHoare L, Rzehak LJA, Kommescher S, Jansen M, Nagel T, Millet M-A, Hoffmann JE & Fonseca ROC
(2021) Titanium Stable Isotope Fractionation in Synthetic TiO2-rich Lunar Melts
Rzehak LJA, Kommescher S, Fonseca ROC, Kurzweil F & Sprung P
(2021) Mineralogical Controls on the Ti Isotope Composition of Subduction Zone Magmas
Kommescher S, Kurzweil F, Fonseca ROC, Rzehak LJA, Sprung P & Münker C