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All abstracts by Ashley N. Martin in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Potential for Hydroclimate Reconstruction Using Speleothem Trace Element, Stable Isotope and U-Series Proxies from the SISALv3 Speleothem Database
Kaushal N, Markowska M, Warken S, Borsato A, Columbu A, Campbell M, Erdélyi D, Fohlmeister J, Goodkin N, Hatvani IG, Kern Z, Martin AN, Tadros C, Treble P & Unal-Imer E

(2024) Neoarchean Nitrogen Isotope Variability Associated with the Upwelling of Hydrothermal Ammonium on the Submerged Zimbabwe Proto-Craton
Martin AN, Stüeken EE, Leitner J, Gehringer MM, Markowska M, Weyer S, Vonhof H & Hofmann A

(2023) Controls on the Vanadium Isotope Composition (δ51V) of Euxinic Sediments from the Abyssal Plain of the Black Sea
Martin AN, Schuth S, Dellwig O & Weyer S

(2023) Deciphering U Isotope Signatures of Archean Banded Iron Formations
Weyer S, Lazarov M, Martin AN & Viehmann S

(2023) The Formation of Stratabound V Rich Highly Metalliferous Black Shales
Gregory DD, McGill D, Concepcion DBC, Reynolds MA, Schuth S, Martin AN & Brueckner SM

(2022) Are Microbial Carbonates Reliable Archives for the Redox State of the Precambrian Oceans and Atmosphere?
Martin AN & Weyer S

(2021) Stable Isotope Analyses of Fluid Inclusions in Speleothems: Opportunities and Challenges for their Application as Paleo-Temperature Archives
Markowska M, Levy E, de Graaf S, Scholz D, Martin AN, Petraglia M, Groucutt HS, Martinez-Garcia A, Treble PC, Baker A, Haug GH & Vonhof H

(2021) The Uranium Isotopic Composition of Lacustrine Holocene Stromatolites from the East African Rift System
Martin AN, Markowska M, Junginger A & Weyer S

(2021) Uranium Isotopic Fractionation in Microbial Mats Forming on Marine Sands from the Dutchisland Schiermonnikoog
Unruh CS, Martin AN, Weyer S & Dultz S

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