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All abstracts by Stefan V. Lalonde in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Oxygenic Photosynthesis in the Mesoarchean Confirmed by La-Ce Geochronology
Patry L, Bonnand P, Boyet M, Afroz M, Wilmeth D & Lalonde SV

(2023) The Formation of High-Grade Iron Formation-Hosted Iron Ores in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa – Insights from Iron Isotopes and Trace Elements
Smith AJBJB & Lalonde SV

(2023) Mo Isotope Chemostratigraphy of the 2.93 Ga Red Lake Carbonate Platform
Migeon ALE, Afroz M, Patry L, Sans-Jofre P & Lalonde SV

(2023) Elemental and Carbonate Isotope Chemostratigraphy of the Mesoarchean Carbonate Platform at Red Lake (Canada)
Afroz M, Fralick PW, Patry L & Lalonde SV

(2023) Comparative Rare Earth Element Systematics from Three Mesoarchean Carbonate Platforms
Lalonde SV, Patry L, Afroz M, Wilmeth D & Bonnand P

(2022) Biogenic Stromatolites as Lacustrine Oxygen Oases ~2.7 Ga: Synthesizing Textural and Geochemical Data
Wilmeth DT, Lalonde SV, Berelson WM, Petryshyn VA, Celestian AJ, Beukes N, Awramik S, Spear J, Mahseredjian T & Corsetti FA

(2022) In situ Multiple Sulfur Isotope Analyses of a Mesoarchean (2.93 Ga) Sulfidic Shale, Red Lake, Canada
Afroz M, Marin-Carbonne J, Fralick PW, Patry L & Lalonde SV

(2021) Multiple Isotope (O, S, Sr) Constraints on the Early Paleoproterozoic Great Oxidation Event from the Minas Supergroup, Minas Basin, Brazil
Rossignol C, Lalonde SV, Bosch D, Thomazo C, Cartigny P, Narduzzi F & Philippot P

(2021) High-Precision Elemental and Stable Isotope Mapping of a Mesoarchean Stromatolite: Implications for Primitive Phototrophic Metabolism and Paleoecology
Nicol L, Sans-Jofre P, Fralick PW, Afroz M, Patry L, Homann M, Gobert T & Lalonde SV

(2021) What Really Drove Global Carbon Isotope Excursions in Deep Time? A Re-examination of the Carbon Isotope Lever Hypothesis
Lalonde SV & Sans-Jofre P

(2021) A Mesoarchean Oxygen Oasis Expanded: New Trace Element and Stable Isotope Data from the 2.8 Ga Mosher Carbonate, Steep Rock Lake, Canada
Wilmeth DT, Fralick PW, Riding R & Lalonde SV

(2021) Mesoarchean Redox Cycling from Shallow to Deep Through Coupled Fe-S Stable Isotope Measurements
Patry L, Fralick PW, Afroz M, Sans-Jofre P, Thomazo C, Homann M & Lalonde SV

(2021) Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Chemostratigraphy of a Mesoarchean Carbonate Platform (Red Lake, Canada)
Afroz M, Fralick PW, Patry L, Sans-Jofre P & Lalonde SV

(2021) Evidence for Continental Weathering and Riverine Input during the Sturtian Glaciation
Bricker HL, Foster I, Hagge P, Agranier A, Sansjofre P, Lalonde SV & Tripati A

(2021) In situ Laser-Laser Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes Measurements in Carbonates: A Step Forward Field Isotopic Characterization
Thomazo C, Sans-Jofre P, Musset O, Cocquerez T & Lalonde SV

(2021) Possible Hafnium Isotope Evidence for Continental Emergence Prior to 3.22 Ga
Foster I, Hagge P, Bricker H, Agranier A, Köhler I, Homann M, Heubeck C, Nonnotte P, Konhauser K, Tripati A & Lalonde SV

(2021) Untangling the Fe Isotope Signal in Neoarchean Carbonates and Iron Formations from Carajás (Brazil)
Siciliano Rego E, Busigny V, Lalonde SV, Vaz Teixeira LP, Rossignol C, Narduzzi F, Zapparoli A, Babinski M, Trindade R & Philippot P

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