All abstracts by Rachel Keen in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Proposed Model for Impacts of Woody Encroachment on Groundwater CO2 and Mineral Weathering in Grassland WatershedsKirk MF, Anhold C, Hatley C, Alcantar Velasquez E, Jarecke K, Sadayappan K, Keen R, Sullivan PL, Nippert J & Li L
(2021) Do Root-Regolith-Rock Interactions Govern Critical Zone-Climate Feedbacks over Decades to Centuries?
Sullivan PL, Billings S, Li L, Nippert J, Wen H, Zhang X, Moreno V, Sadayappan K, Keen R, Hirmas D, Flores A, Murenbeeld K, Barnard H, Singha K & Ajami H