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All abstracts by Eugene S. Ilton in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Can Platinum be Incorporated in the Structure of Goethite?
Ilton ES, Mergelsberg ST, Bylaska EJ, Kugler AJ & Catalano JG

(2024) Mechanistic Links between Metal-Substituted Goethite Redox Properties and Structural Changes due to Metal Incorporation
Latta DE, Mergelsberg ST, Popejoy BD, Scherer MM, Catalano JG, Bylaska EJ & Ilton ES

(2024) Effect of Metals on Goethite and Ferrihydrite Redox Potentials
Popejoy BD, Latta DE, Mergelsberg ST, Bylaska EJ, Ilton ES & Scherer MM

(2023) Effects of Ni(II) and Zn(II) Substitution on Goethite Redox Potentials
Popejoy BD, Scherer MM, Latta DE, Rosso KM, Bylaska EJ, Ilton ES & Mergelsberg ST

(2023) Citrate-Promoted Dissolution of Yb-Incorporated Goethite
Stagg O, Ramazanova E, Giammar DE, Mergelsberg ST, Ilton ES & Catalano JG

(2021) Phase Transformation of MnCO3 Surfaces within Nanometric Water Films
Luong TN, Ilton ES, Shchukarev A & Boily J-F

(2021) Low Temperature Magnesite Growth during Forsterite Carbonation in Thin H2O Films
Loring J, Mergelsberg S, Qafoku O, Thompson CJ, Ilton ES & Kerisit S

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