All abstracts by Shiqiang Huang in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Optimization of LA–ICP–MS/MS Rb–Sr Dating of Micas with Non-Matrix-Matched Reference Materials – IAG Early Career Researcher Award LectureHuang S, Chang Z & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2021) Scheelite Trace Element Composition: Magmatic Versus Metamorphic Hydrothermal Deposits
Liu K, Chang Z & Huang S
(2021) In situ Rb-Sr Dating of Muscovite by LA-ICP-MS/MS
Huang S & Chang Z
(2021) Applications of Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-MS/MS, or ICP-MS QQQ) in Economic Geology
Chang Z, Huang S, Kirschbaum M & Piurkowsky S