All abstracts by Yu-Te Alan Hsieh in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Constraints on the Ba Isotope Composition of Benthic Inputs from Reduced Margin SedimentsPetrou E, Bridgestock L, Henderson GM, Hsieh Y-TA & Wang T-H
(2023) Ni Isotope Fractionation during the Formation of Amorphous Nickel Sulfides
Wang T-H, Hsieh Y-TA, Clayton K, Cosmidis J & Henderson GM
(2022) Ni Isotope Fractionation during Marine Phytoplankton Uptake: Implications for a Limited and Fractionated Bioavailable Ni Pool in the Modern Ocean
Wang T-H, Zhang Q, Hsieh Y-T, Rickaby REM & Henderson GM
(2022) Diagenetic Cycling of Barium Isotopes in Anoxic Sediments
Petrou E, Bridgestock L, Henderson GM, Hsieh Y-T, Wang T-H, Kasten S, Foschi M, Macminn C & Baioumy M
(2022) Barium Isotopes in Atmospheric Aerosols: Tracing Anthropogenic Inputs to the South China Sea
Hsieh Y-TA, Huang K-F, Henderson GM & Ho T-Y
(2021) A Pronounced Eu Anomaly in Dissolved Seawater REE Patterns Close to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Selzer S, Hsieh Y-TA, Holdship P, Resing JA, Tagliabue A, Annett A, Homoky WB & Henderson GM
(2021) Balancing the Modern Marine Barium Isotope Budget with Estuarine Processes
Bridgestock L, Nathan J, Paver R, Hsieh Y-TA, Porcelli D, Tanzil JTI, Holdship P, Carrasco G, Annammala KV, Swarzenski P, Andersson P & Henderson GM
(2021) Barium Isotope Calibrations between Shallow-Water Corals and in situ Seawater
Hsieh Y-TA, Paver R, Tanzil JTI, Bridgestock L, Lee JN & Henderson GM