All abstracts by Emmanuel A. Codillo in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Exploring Natural Hydrogen in the PhilippinesAquino KA, Juego CM, Tagle YGM, Perez A, Tanciongco AM, Quierrez RN, Leong JA, Codillo EA & Bernasconi SM
(2023) Testing Models of Slab-To-Mantle Transfer in Subduction Zones
Codillo EA & Le Roux V
(2022) Thermodynamic Constraints on Talc Formation via Si-Metasomatism of Ultramafic Rocks along the Slab-Mantle Interface
Codillo EA & Klein F
(2021) Fluid-Mediated Mass Transfer between Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks in Subduction Zones: Insights from the High-Pressure Voltri Massif (Ligurian Alps, Italy)
Codillo EA, Klein F, Dragovic B, Marschall H, Baxter E & Scambelluri M
(2021) Experimental Constraints on the Physical Properties of Melange Rocks and their Relationship to Arc Magmas
Le Roux V, Codillo EA, Behn M, Marschall H & Bebout GE