All abstracts by Antony Burnham in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Sulfur Speciation in Magmatic Silicate Melts from Mantle Sources to Eruptive DegassingO'Neill HSC, Burnham A & Mavrogenes JA
(2023) The Effect of Pressure on the Ti Site in Zircon: Implications for the Ti-in-Zircon Thermometer
Crisp L, Berry A, Burnham A, Miller L & Newville M
(2023) The Oxidation State of Titanium in Reduced Extraterrestrial Melts
Berry A, Doyle P, Schofield P, Miller L, Le Losq C, Burnham A & Mosselmans JFW
(2023) Tracing Magmatic and Metamorphic Events Using Accessory Mineral REE Contents
Miller L, Burnham A, Cawood PA & Berry A
(2022) Paleozoic Subduction into the Deeper Mantle Recorded by Superdeep Diamonds
Timmerman S, Pearson DG, Koornneef JM, Harlou R, Nowell GM, Thomson AR, Kohn SC, Davies JHFL, Davies GR, Krebs MY, Zhang Q, Milne SE, Stachel T, Harris JW, Kaminsky F, Bulanova G, Smith CB, Burnham A & Walter MJ
(2021) Zr Solubility in Silicate Melts: Insights from X-Ray Absorption Studies at High Pressure and Temperature with Implications for Mantle Zircon
Farmer N, Rushmer T, Burnham A & Wykes J