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All abstracts by Tamás Gábor Weiszburg in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Pyroaurite and Brucite Intimately Associated with Chrysotile: A Way to Overestimate the noa Hazard
Hyskaj A, Harman-Tóth E, Aradi LE & Weiszburg TG

(2021) The Speciation of Fluorine in Phosphogypsum
Hmissi N, Galih Prasetyo D, Harman-Tóth E & Weiszburg TG

(2021) Mineralogical Study of the Redeposited Near-Shore STD Waste in Calancan Causeway, Philippines
Medianista RL, Irshad I, Weiszburg TG & Harman-Tóth E

(2021) Waste to Watt: Unwanted Solid Materials Formation, Transport and Cycling in Biogas Engine Systems
Mohd Khaidi AASB, Harman-Tóth E, Gönczi I, Mireisz T, Kővári T & Weiszburg TG

(2020) Fate of Elements: Unwanted Mineral Formation in Biogas Engines
Mohd Khaidi AAS, Harman-Tóth E, Gönczi I, Mireisz T, Kővári T & Weiszburg TG

(2020) Mineralogical Cycle of Pb(II) in a Sinter Plant of Iron and Steel Industry
Mankovics M, Topa BA, Pekker P, Meskál L, Harman Tóth E & Weiszburg TG

(2020) Sea-Deposited Mine Tailings in Calanacan Bay, Marinduque, Philippines: A Natural Laboratory for Environmental Mineralogy
Medianista R, Weiszburg T & Harman-Tóth E

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