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All abstracts by Xinsong Wang in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) A Tale of Tungsten/Wolfram, Ore Formation, and Apatite-Fluorite Gangue
Williams-Jones AE & Wang X

(2023) The Transport of Bismuth in HCl-Bearing Aqueous Vapour and Vapour-Like Supercritical Fluids
Wang X, Williams-Jones AE, Liu Q, Liu F-X, Hu R-Z, Mei Y, Jiang Z-Q, Shang L-B, Zhu J-J & Bi X-W

(2023) The Role of CO2 in Porphyry Molybdenum Deposits: Constraints from Partition Coefficients for Molybdenum between a CO2-bearing Saline Fluid and a Felsic Melt
Jiang Z-Q, Shang L-B, Wang X, Williams-Jones AE, Zhang L, Ni H, Hu R-Z & Bi X-W

(2020) An Experimental Study of the Solubility and Speciation of MoO3(s) in Hydrothermal Fluids at Temperatures up to 350℃
Shang L, Williams-Jones AE, Wang X, Timofeev A, Hu R & Bi X

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