All abstracts by Thomas Williams in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Benthic Foraminiferal δ13C Traces CO2 Storage in the Glacial Deep Southeastern Indian Ocean and CO2 Outgassing Across the Last DeglaciationSikes EL, Umling N, Glaubke RH, Starr A, Stirpe C, Martin E & Williams T
(2024) Increased Glacial Presence of Aged Indo-Pacific Waters in the Southeast Indian Ocean Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Umling N, Sikes EL, Goodkin N, Mollenhauer G, Grotheer H, Glaubke RH, Williams T & Starr A
(2020) Measuring Ocean Uptake of Anthropogenic CO2 in the Southeastern Indian Ocean: Changes in the 13C Suess Effect over the Last Decade
Wagner A, Williams T, Sikes E & Martin E
(2020) Reduced Northern Source Water and Ventilation during the Last Glacial Maximum in the Indian Ocean Sector of the Southern Ocean Linked to a “Deep Gateway” Effect
Sikes E, Williams T, Starr A & Martin E