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All abstracts by Lingyi Tang in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) PhreeFit: A Powerful Tool to Find the Globally Optimal Parameters of Surface Complexation Models
Tang L, Li Y, Konhauser KO & Alessi DS

(2024) Probing and Modelling the Surface Reactivity of Pyrogenic Carbon
Alessi DS, Snihur KN, Tang L, Pratiwi DC, Bai Y, Swaren LR, Kenney JPL & Konhauser KO

(2024) The Timelessness of Pyrogenic Carbon, a 172 MA Story of the Recalcitrance and Reactivity of Wildfire-Derived Pyrogenic Carbon as a Mechanism of Elemental Transport
Snihur KN, Tang L, Rozanitis KJ, Lazowski CN, Kononovs D, Gutierrez Rueda D, Kenney JPL, Flynn SL, Konhauser KO & Alessi DS

(2023) Surface Reactivities of Biogenic Ferrihydrite Aggregates Formed during Oxygenic Photosynthesis: A Look into the Trace Element Cycling in Ancient Oceans from a Surface Adsorption Perspective
Li Y, Tang L, Schad M, Gutierrez Rueda D, Coutret B, Acikelli A, Alessi DS, Gingras MK & Konhauser KO

(2023) Pyrogenic Carbon Enables Microbial Fe(III)-mineral Reduction over Centimetre Distance as a Redox Mediator
Bai Y, Snihur KN, Tang L, Kappler A, Konhauser KO & Alessi DS

(2022) Synthetic Biochar vs Forest Fire Generated Pyrogenic Carbon: A Comparison of Physicochemical Properties
Snihur KN, Tang L, Rozanitis K, Lazowski C, Kononovs D, Gutierrez Rueda D, Swaren LR, Gingras MK, Kenney JPL, Flynn SL, Konhauser KO & Alessi DS

(2020) Bone Bioapatite: A Potential P Hotspot Assisted by Bacteria
Tang L, Shen Z & Li Z

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