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All abstracts by Aidan Starr in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Evolution of δ13C of Surface Water Masses in the Southeastern Indian Ocean over the Last 50, 000 Years
Sikes EL, Umling N, Starr A, Glaubke R & Martin E

(2021) The Interglacial-Glacial Sequence of Events at the Agulhas Plateau: Antarctic Icebergs Lead Ocean Circulation into Ice Ages and Across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Starr A, Hall IR, Barker S, Hemming S, Rackow T, Zhang X, van der Lubbe HJL, Knorr G, Berke M, Bigg GR, Cartagena-Sierra A, Jimenez-Espejo F, Gong X, Gruetzner J, Lathka N, LeVay L & Ziegler M

(2021) Deglacial CO2 Release and Ventilation in the Indian Ocean Sector Attributed to a Southern Ocean Deep Gateway Effect
Sikes EL, Glaubke R, Umling NE, Wiliams TJ, Starr A & Martin E

(2020) Reduced Northern Source Water and Ventilation during the Last Glacial Maximum in the Indian Ocean Sector of the Southern Ocean Linked to a “Deep Gateway” Effect
Sikes E, Williams T, Starr A & Martin E

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