All abstracts by Kai Luo in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Granite Weathering as an Index of CO2 ConsumptionMa J, Teng F-Z, Luo K & Wei G
(2023) One-Size-Does-Not-Fit-All: Diversity of Critical Elements Distribution in Sphalerite at the Nanoscale
Fougerouse D, Cugerone A, Luo K, Krause J, Reddy SM, Saxey DW & Rickard WDA
(2020) Sedimentary Pyrite as a Potential Sulfur Source for MVT Pb-Zn Deposits: A Case Study of the Huodehong Pb-Zn Deposit, South China
Luo K & Zhou J-X
(2020) Both Thermochemical and Bacterial Sulfate Reduction Involved in the Formation of MVT Pb-Zn Deposits: A Case Study of the Chipu Pb-Zn Deposit, South China
Zhou J-X, Luo K & Sun T