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All abstracts by Makoto Honda-McNeil in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Artificial Nickel Laterites for Enhanced Metal Recovery and CO2 Mineralization
Wilson S, Wang B, Hussain A, Turvey CC, Moyo A, Honda-McNeil M, Spence J, Mann M, Su D, Wang Z, Yaddala J, Frierdich AJ, Hamilton J, Lammers L, Power IM, Renforth P & Zeyen N

(2022) Transition Metal Mobility and Recoverability from Weathered Serpentinite and Serpentinite Skarn Tailings from Lord Brassey Mine, Australia and Record Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Honda-McNeil M, Wilson SA, Locock A, Mililli B, Zeyen N, Wang B, Turvey C, Vessey C, Patel AS, Hamilton J, Howard DL, Paterson DJ, Southam G, Poitras J, Jones TR & Jowitt S

(2021) Transition Metal Mobility and Recovery from Weathered Serpentinite and Serpentinite Skarn Tailings from Lord Brassey Mine, Australia and Record Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Honda-McNeil M, Wilson S, Mililli B, Zeyen N, Wang B, Turvey C, Vessey C, Patel A, Locock A, Hamilton J, Paterson DM, Southam G, Poitras J, Jones T & Jowitt S

(2020) Migration of Transition Metals and Potential for Mineral Carbonation during Acid Leaching of Kimberlite Mine Tailings
Wang B, Zeyen N, Wilson S, Honda-McNeil M, Von Gunten K, Alessi D, Southam G, Jones T, Hamilton J & Paterson D

(2020) Transition Metal Mobility and Partitioning in Weathered Tailings, Serpentinite and Skarn from the Lord Brassey Mine, Tasmania, Australia
Honda-McNeil M, Wilson S, Millili B, Zeyen N, Wang B, Turvey C & Jowitt S

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