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All abstracts by Yihang Fang in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Dynamic Trace Metal Redistribution by Goethite via Redox and Non-Redox Processes
Catalano JG, Ledingham GJ & Fang Y

(2024) Controls of Rare Earth Elements Fractionation during Competitive Adsorption on Corundum Surfaces
Fang Y, Lee SS, Ledingham GJ, Stagg O, Stubbs JE, Eng PJ & Catalano JG

(2023) Competition and Selectivity during Rare Earth Element Adsorption at Aluminum Oxide-Water Interfaces
Catalano JG, Fang Y, Ledingham GJ, Stagg O, Ramazanova E, Giammar DE, Stubbs JE, Eng PJ & Bylaska EJ

(2023) Amino Acid and Chitin Controlled Ca-Mg Carbonate Precipitation
Fang Y, Lee S, Xu H & Farfan GA

(2022) Dissolved Silica Driven Dolomite Precipitation in the Great Salt Lake, Utah
Fang Y, Hobbs F & Xu H

(2020) Precipitation of Disordered Dolomite Catalyzed by Dissolved Silica
Fang Y & Xu H

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