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All abstracts by Ruimin Wang in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) A Prolonged Ice-Age in the Late Ediacaran Period: A Possible Fuse of Animal Evolution?
Wang R, Shen B, Lang X, Wen B, Ma H, Peng Y, He R, Li C, Huang T & Zhou C

(2020) The Coupling of Marine Sulfur and Iron Cycle in the Wake of Marinoan Snowball Earth
Shen B, Wang R, Fu B, Huang K & Lang X

(2020) Silica Depletion Shut off the BIF Factory
Wang R & Shen B

(2020) The Reversed Redox Zonation in the Early Cambrian Ocean: The Isotope Evidence from Pyritized Sponge Spicules
Liu Y, Wang R, Ding W, Lang X, Huang K & Shen B

(2019) Tracking the Metabolic Pathways by in situ Iron and Sulphur Isotope Analyses of Sedimentary Pyrite
Wang R, Shen B, Lang X & Huang K

(2019) Coupling of Continental Weathering and Marine Phosphorus Cycle
Shen B, Wang R, Lang X, Ding W & Liu Y

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